Friday, November 30, 2007

Update on DJ

We went to the Opthamologist yesterday afternoon and he determined that there was no pressure on DJ's optic nerve, or any other eye problems that would cause him to have headaches.

We went to the neurologist this morning--really like that lady, BTW (probably because she's a nurse practitioner and not a full-fledged doctor!) Dylan really likes her too. He gave her a big hug hello and goodbye. She ordered a shunt series (CT scan and abdominal x-ray) and an MRI of his brain. She's not sure what would be causing the headaches, but figured that in order to find out, we needed a peek inside the little guy. They will have to sedate him for both and we probably won't get them for another month or so as they are very backed up. Apparently, the hospital that DJ goes to is one of two in the whole state that will do sedated scans.

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