Friday, February 8, 2008

Toot My Own Horn...

I took my first test last know the one that I thought I was going to have a small myocardial infarction over...the first test of the semester is always the hardest because you don't know whether the teacher is going to ask questions that are out of the small print of the appendix of the book (which no one ever reads, of course), or if she's going to ask what color your shoes are and why you picked them. Anyway, the questions were very relevant to the readings (thank God!) and I ended up getting a 95% on it! Nice way to start the program! I took another test this last Wednesday and haven't gotten the grade yet, so keep your fingers crossed.

Dylan is, however, still not doing well. He is completely out of sorts about this whole daycare thing. He completed his first week at the new place and ended up with an incident report written up today for hitting his teacher. Do I have a demon child, or what?!?! When we ask him, "Why did you do that?" all he says is "I don't know!" The teachers report is that she was trying to wipe his face off as the majority of his snack was smeared across it. She said she thought it was an accident, but he was yelling at her pretty loudly. What the heck am I going to do if he gets kicked out?!?! He's a good kid, he just lacks the whole concept of respect...for anyone! It's really quite bizarre.

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